About us: does the world need another dad website? We like to think it does

Dad site and dad forum

A website for dads of all kinds

Dads of the World is a site for dads, granddads, anyone who has ever been a dad and anyone about to become a dad. Mums are welcome too.

For us, being a dad means being all about our kids. No matter what. From babies who need a 2 a.m. nappy change, to teenagers who don’t want to know you, to the grown up kind that want to move you into a nursing home, kids aren’t always easy to handle. But they’re our purpose and they’re responsible for our deepest, widest and best emotions. Pride. Joy. And whatever that feeling is called when your kid finally learns how to tie his shoe laces so you don’t have to injure your back on freezing cold mornings and fiddle with his shoes.

Being the bests dads we can be

Father and child image showing the challenges of parenthood

Speaking of purpose, kids are why this website exists. At Dads of the World we’re all about learning and exchanging knowledge on how to be the best dads we can we can be for our children.

This site is also about how to be the best partners for our spouses or for our girlfriends (hopefully you don’t have both, but we’re not here to judge). And it’s about maximising the times we have away from our families. Sharing a joke. Having a laugh. Discussing the news (politicians are unrelentingly awful, aren’t they?). Talking sport. Trading golf tips (our tip: don’t bother, because it’s so flipping hard). Reviewing the best places to go on holiday. Talking about what’s streaming on our TVs at the moment.

But most of all we’re here for our kids.

Here for our kids and for each other

A father reading to his toddler

Feel free to let it all out our forum, which has been compared to a version of Mumsnet for men, or a bar counter where anyone can have a drink and chat: share your worst dad jokes and best dad moments and your classic dad fear that your kid might not actually grow up to be professional footballer which would mean that you have to find some other way of funding your retirement. You can also talk about stuff other than being a dad, because even the bests dads need a break.

Mumsnet for dads?

What makes this site different to Mumsnet? Well, although Mumsnet is for dads as well, with a ‘Dadsnet’ topic, what we offer is a focus on dads. So, if you post in the Mumsnet forum you’ll reach loads more people, but if you post here you’ll talk to other dads about dad stuff. But mums are welcome here too, of course!

Where in the world are we?

Dads of the World is based in Harrogate

Dads of the World is brought to you by dads living in and around Harrogate, in the UK. Harrogate is a town in North Yorkshire with plenty to do for kids and families of all sizes and interests, and it’s not too far from bustling Leeds and beautiful York. So as dads we’re lucky when it comes to our location. The weather isn’t always brilliant but you can’t have everything.

What’s the best way to get in touch?

If you want to get in touch, just fill out our contact form >